Safeguarding Writers from the Publishing Industry

After finding out they’ve been duped, writers often feel restless and hopeless. After all, who wouldn’t be? This happens repeatedly because of the arrogance displayed in making false promises to them. Scams involving the publication of books are particularly heinous. 

False book publicity services undermine authors’ ability to spread new ideas and information to the world. A small number of well-known book publishers dominate the industry, but many others seek exposure without understanding it. Because of this, discussions about book public relations firms almost always end badly.


Bad Publishing Practices Rot Good Intentions

A writer has an ethical obligation to challenge their readers’ worldviews. The promise of justice made by an inept book publicist is thwarted by the corruption of this good will, preventing authors from realizing the full potential of their work. Since the goals of authors and marketing con artists are diametrically opposed, authors must take a leap of faith in order to find and work with legitimate book publicists.

A writer’s reputation takes a major hit when they can’t be trusted. Thus, book publicity agencies should never ignore trust concerns. There is hope that book publicity agencies can win back the trust of authors if they are open and honest about the services they provide. Don’t even bring up the idea of asking the writers to make a promise that’s too fantastic to ever be realistic. In the end, they will be disheartened by the failure to achieve their unrealistic goals, which they have helped to foster by giving them false hope in the first place.

Book publicists, rather than discouraging authors from following their passions, should keep authors fired up about their work. To what extent is this true? How? By showing authors the full truth about simple promotion. Blogs that criticize all online book publicists would disappear, and authors would be safer from being scammed.

Writer Safety Must Be Guaranteed

Keeping authors safe from publishing fraud requires assuring them that their work will be read by its intended audience. But how do book publicists protect authors from getting taken in by publishing scams? Since most book deals are made over the phone or the Internet, it is the publicist’s responsibility to answer any questions the buyer may have and provide any additional information that will help remove any doubt.

The book publicists are then obligated to send an email with a document summarizing the meeting for the sake of openness. Publicists for books should not force authors to sign contracts for packages that are out of their price range just to get the deal done. It is essential to proceed with extreme caution if book publicity agencies are to regain the trust of authors. Therefore, maintaining regular communication with the writer (after an agreement has been reached) demonstrates your reliability.


For any writer, the ultimate purpose is to either persuade the reader or educate them on a particular topic. As a result of this intent, the readers of this book are gifted with optimism, vitality, and boundless potential. Depriving potential readers of the three things mentioned in the previous sentence would be a corrupting influence on the original intent. In light of this, genuine book publicists have a responsibility to defend authors against fraud. Consequently, genuine book publicists will be able to fully protect the aspirations of the writers, and the public’s disdain for book publicity agencies will be eradicated.

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