Important Things To Consider In Writing A Mysterious Character In The Story


The world of writing is an ever-changing one. There are new techniques, styles and approaches to writing that come out every day. However, there are also some principles that will always remain the same. One such principle is how to write a mysterious character in your story.

 A mysterious character can be a character who keeps their identity hidden from others or even themselves. There’s nothing wrong with this type of character; after all it adds drama to the story! But there are certain things that need to be taken into consideration before writing such people into your work:

Not every character needs to be mysterious

Not every character needs to be mysterious. The most important thing when writing a story is finding the right balance between open and honest, and then making sure that your characters are consistent with that. If you have a character who always acts in a certain way, then it’s important for them to keep doing so throughout the story because we can’t suspend our disbelief if certain actions don’t make sense for their personality traits.

As an example: If a person has an instinctive tendency towards dishonesty or lying, they might cheat on their partner with someone else so they can appear more attractive—but if they’ve never done this before (or even if they always tell the truth), then there’s no reason why these impulses would suddenly arise now just because of some external circumstances (in this case being tempted by another woman). This creates plot holes within their behavior; instead of feeling true to life as part of its own reality, each decision feels arbitrary and leads us away from seeing how genuine someone truly is underneath all those layers!

Have a reason for the character being mysterious

One of the most important things to consider when writing a mysterious character is why they’re mysterious. Why does your protagonist hide their true nature? What are they hiding, and how will that affect other characters in your story?

In order to answer these questions, you’ll need to understand some basic information about human psychology. The first thing I’d like to focus on is what psychologists call “projection,” which refers to mental processes through which we blame others for our own actions or feelings (and vice versa). This can take many forms: if something bad happens at work, then you might project those feelings onto someone else; if something good happens at work, then it may help relieve some stress by attributing praise for yourself instead of expecting nothing but criticism from others who don’t share in those moments of success with me!

Be consistent with your mysterious characters personality

To make your character mysterious and interesting, you must keep him or her consistent with the story you are writing. If your character changes personality midway through, this will be confusing for readers and make them lose interest in what’s happening.

For example: “Mystery” Jack is a detective who likes to solve crimes, but he also loves cooking! In one scene he might be wearing a fedora hat and smoking an e-cigarette while eating some sushi; in another scene he may have long hair tied back into a ponytail or be wearing sunglasses instead of his trademark fedora hat (which he wears only when working). The reader needs to know that Mystery Jack is always the same person throughout all these scenes so they can understand where they are supposed to go when reading this book!

When being mysterious think about the who, what and why

When being mysterious, think about the who, what and why.

A character can be described as mysterious if their motivations are unclear to the reader. The reader may not know why they do what they do or what their intentions are in any particular situation. They might appear to be acting out of character or even doing something that is completely out of line with their usual behavior. This can make a reader feel uncomfortable with the story as it makes them question everything that has happened so far and wonder whether there is anything else hidden underneath all this apparent nonsense!

Don’t leave your reader hanging on too long

Don’t leave your reader hanging on too long.

Don’t leave your reader with too many unanswered questions.

Don’t leave your reader in the dark for too long.

It is okay to write a mystery character. You just need to keep these things in mind or else you’ll leave your reader hanging.

It is okay to write a mysterious character. You just need to keep these things in mind or else you’ll leave your reader hanging.

  • Be consistent with their personality and actions. If they’re always fascinated by the supernatural, then so should be the reader! They need to feel like this is part of who they are as well as how they act in their own life (and not just on paper).
  • Think about “who”, “what” and “why”. The more complicated this gets for both sides of your story—the more interesting it will be when all comes together at the end!


In conclusion, mystery characters can be a fun and exciting way to tell a story. You just need to make sure that you keep your readers engaged throughout the entire story.

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