Different Types of Writers

Writing is a craft, and every writer works from a different perspective. While there are a few commonalities among writers, no two people have the exact same job description or skill set. In this article we’ll explore these differences and how they can help you decide on your own preferred career path in writing.

The Journalist

A journalist is a person who reports on news events. They may work for a newspaper, magazine or website. Journalists are often required to be objective and impartial, which means they must not take sides in an argument or issue and report facts without bias.

Journalists must be able to write quickly and accurately because they have little time between deadline and publication date; they need their writing to be grammatically correct as well as accurate (elements such as spelling and syntax). They also need intelligence as well as creativity in order to produce high quality content that meets client requirements

The Academic

The academic is the type of writer who writes papers and research papers, often with a focus on a particular subject.

Academics are expected to publish in peer-reviewed journals. They may be professors at various universities, or they may have worked as researchers at an organization such as NASA or the National Institutes of Health (NIH). 

When they write for publication, academics must be able to back up their claims with evidence from their own research or other sources like books written by other experts in the field that they cover.

 The academic’s goal is not just to pass exams—it’s also to become an expert in whatever field it is that interests them.

The Fiction Writer

A fiction writer is someone who writes stories. The best way to think of a fiction writer is as one who tells stories. They use imagination, creativity and the ability to make up their own ideas during the writing process.

Fiction writers are often creative with words; they can come up with original phrases or even images that can be used in a story without anyone knowing it was an original creation! In fact, most good writers have some kind of unusual talent for language: poetry, songwriting or even just being able to write well enough for others to enjoy reading your work!

It’s important that you have enough imagination if you want success as an author because this skill will help keep your readers engaged throughout all those pages where nothing happens except maybe some dialogue between characters talking about something ordinary like how they’re hungry because there isn’t any food around anymore – so what do they eat?

The Non-Fiction Author

The non-fiction author is someone who writes books or articles about real people, places, or events. They write in different genres such as biography, history and science. Non-fiction authors also write about their own life experiences.

The Poet

Poetry is an art form that uses language as its primary tool for artistic expression. Poetry can be a form of personal expression, and sometimes it is used to convey information or ideas.

Poetry has been around for thousands of years and many cultures have their own unique forms of poetry. In some countries, poets are highly respected members of society; in other countries they are considered artists who use their craft to express themselves but do not receive the same type of respect from others as those who write novels or essays would.

The Blogger

The blogger is a writer who writes about personal experiences and opinions. Bloggers are often paid through donations or advertising, but they can also make a living from their blogs if they have enough readers.

The blogger’s job is to tell people about what it’s like to be them, how they feel about things, and why those feelings matter to other people who might find value in them.

The Screenwriter

Screenwriting is a form of writing that’s used to create scripts for films, television programs and video games. The screenwriter writes the dialogue and narration that appear in a film or television program.

They are responsible for developing the story and characters, but they also need to know how best to tell their story by choosing what scenes will work as well as how they should be shot so that it looks good on screen.

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