Books for Mindfulness: Change Your Life with These Inspiring Reads

A well-written book can be an effective method to help you bring more present and mindfulness into your life. If this is something you’re interested in doing, read on. The books on this list, which range from manuals to meditation to narratives about personal development, each offer insightful guidance and actionable recommendations to help you live your best life.

Economy and Ecology: How Capitalism Brought Us to the Brink by Christopher Anderson

Decades ago, climate scientists cautioned that the release of CO2 would have dire consequences for the planet. Unfortunately, little has been done to address this issue, and we are currently experiencing the devastating results through natural disasters, social unrest, and mass migrations. What led to this inaction?

Christopher Anderson provides a historical and concise perspective on how an economic principle focused on private profits has left us on the brink of an ecological catastrophe. He is the author of “What Happened to the Love Generation? How the Boomers Blew It,” and several novels including “Alki”, “The Revolutionists”, and “Love and Infatuation: Three Novellas.” He resides with his wife and two dogs in a small Arizona hamlet.


Thou Shalt Kill by Tom P. Brown

A Glimpse into America’s Hypothetical Future in 2032

In this fictional scenario, America is on the brink of financial ruin after engaging in its seventh conflict in Iraq, while domestic issues arise with stem cell research. The use of cloning technology for organ replication quickly turns into a greed-fueled industry, leading to a saturation point in the population. To control the population, a mandatory death age is implanted in all citizens via a chip, which could be bought or sold. Overseas, the war continues with innocent lives being taken. Lieutenant Roger DeMarco is tasked with ending the harvesting of enemy and civilian bodies, while doctors are torn between science and greed. A reality TV star becomes famous for trading his chip to die in a parade of hedonism. The story is a thought-provoking commentary on the intersection of progress, profit, and morality. 

The author, Tom P. Brown, is a physician with twenty years of military service in the Marines and Navy, including combat experience in the Middle East.


A Memoir of Jacquelyn Menson’s: Cursed or Blessed By Karla Johnson

The Inspiring Memoir of Jacquelyn Menson: From Cursed to Blessed

Jacquelyn Menson‘s memoir tells the story of her life’s journey from a cursed existence to a blessed one. In 1971, she graduated high school while three months pregnant and left her mother’s house with her fiancé. She took with her only the clothes on her back, the knowledge she gained from reading books, her grandmother’s teachings about cooking and cleaning, Bible verses and old folk tales, a few lessons from her mother, and a remarkable gift from God – the ability to play any musical instrument she chose. Despite her intelligence, Jacquelyn’s naivety led her down a difficult path. She married in 1972 and had another child in 1974. Between 1977 and 1985, she worked for a police department and served in the Army National Guard. Throughout this time, she experienced many incredible and challenging events, with the latter significantly outweighing the former. Life had become so unbearable that she contemplated ending it all. Her journey, however, was far from over…


Thoughts on Life in Rhyme & Sculpture Dennis Gray

Life is a balancing act, and each one of us is a performer on its stage, as Gray communicates in his newest collection of poetry. The compilation, consisting of 39 poems and 15 sculptures, explores the complexities and realities of relationships, business, politics, and the American economy. Gray encourages readers to find their purpose in life amidst the unpredictability of the world. His work provides hope and inspiration, urging people to move away from self-interest and materialism and to develop empathy and love for their fellow human beings.

Gray‘s poetry is a culmination of his experiences across four continents, where he has explored and observed different cultures, environments, and human predicaments while balancing his life as an educator, musician, CPA, and corporate executive. He earned his MBA from Northwestern University and presently balances his life with family, business consulting and mediation, music, sculpting, and creative writing.

“Thoughts on Life in Rhyme & Sculpture” offers a unique, refreshing, and sometimes unsettling perspective on the paradoxes of our world, making it a must-read for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of life’s complexities.


These books on mindfulness can help you live a life that is more present and fulfilling by providing you with both actionable advice and motivational stories. These books provide useful insights and counsel that can help you reduce stress, find inner peace, or simply connect more deeply with yourself and others. You can find all of these things and more by reading them.


You’ll have a deeper understanding of the people and events that have played a role in shaping our world with the help of these fascinating works of nonfiction. These books provide a fascinating glimpse at the past and throw new light on the world that we live in, covering topics ranging from ancient civilizations to significant turning points in recent history.

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