“Reforming the Nigeria Police” is a product of several years of research, teaching, thinking, and rethinking about how to design a comprehensive and effective blueprint that can be used effectively to reform the Nigeria Police or other similarly situated police establishments in Africa characterized with similar dynamics and antecedents as the Nigeria Police. The book is designed for leaders/stakeholders interested in thoroughly, productively, and cost-effectively reforming the Nigeria Police or other similarly situated police establishments in Africa. It is also designed for university students pursuing degrees in Criminal Justice (Law Enforcement/Police Science, Courts, and Corrections), Sociology, or any of the other related Social Sciences. The book recommends starting the reform process by correcting the foundational problems of the Police; for example, a police force that has a colonial background will emphasize the protection of the colonial government and the suppression of the populace who are often in opposition to the colonial governments. With the attainment of self-governance, most of these police forces in Africa still maintain the colonial focus and practices. In order to effectively reform those police forces, the police focus must change to protect the government and, at the same time, protect the populace. Similarly, the operational style also needs to change from the reign of violence on the populace to protecting and serving the populace. Such violent police units like the mobile Police, nicknamed “kill and go” in the Nigerian context, must give way to friendly crime patrol units of the regular police force. Any reform without this change of focus will be ineffective, irrespective of how much is spent on the reform efforts. This foundational change of focus is a must and a centerpiece of this book. Other reform areas covered in the book include achieving effective and operational.
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