
Chains Can Be Broken


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This is a true story (my story) written to prove that healing is possible for all victims of abuse; for an abuser, forgiveness can also be found if they admit their crime and ask to be forgiven. This book is not a plea for sympathy. My goal is awareness and anger, yours and mine, at the chain of injustice and destruction brought on by any abuse. Without healing, generations will suffer the effects of ONE act of child abuse. Our anger, united and properly channeled, can bring about positive changes. Chains Can Be Broken is for anyone who has been or is acquainted with someone who has lived through the chaos of abuse. The downward spiral that abuse leads to can emerge into a world of sanity, reality, and light.

I was born in shame to my unwed eighteen-year-old mother. My father had remembered he was married and conveniently disappeared. Living in a small rural community, a lot of people thought they knew us, but they didn’t have a clue.
With time, God, and hard work, I was able to overcome my past and write a second book titled One Link At A Time Chains Can Be Broken which details the steps that led me away from devastation into forgiveness and freedom.


eBook, Hardback, Paperback


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