
From Beer to Eternity: Discovering the connection between the here and the hereafter


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Does your life have meaning? Do the things that happen in everyday life have any significance in eternity? Does God really care about you? Why do evil and death exist? These questions can rarely be satisfactorily answered from a human perspective, but by looking at these questions from God’s perspective, we might discover answers and find encouragement to counteract the feeling that “my life doesn’t matter.”

Calvin Poole III is an attorney whose study of Reformed Theology made him realize that God is working to establish Truth, Justice, and Mercy over the entire Earth, using imperfect humans in a divine choreography in which the here and the hereafter are connected. He wrote this book for people who are skeptical about religion, doubtful about about absolute truth, hesitant to put their faith in things unseen, and wondering if their lives really have meaning.


eBook, Hardback, Paperback


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